ABIMOTA AND BIKINNOV reinforce the strategic role of national companies in the future of two wheels in the European Union
On January 14, ABIMOTA and BIKiNNOV held a meeting that marked an important step in the collaboration between Portuguese companies in the two-wheel sector and the decision-making bodies of the European Union.
The event, which took place at BIKiNNOV’s premises in Águeda, aimed to discuss the strategies for integrating national companies into the CONEBI (Confederation of the European Bicycle Industry) working groups and to present the technical skills of the Technology and Innovation Center.
In the first part of the event, the company representatives met to outline Portugal’s participation in the initiatives of CONEBI, an organization that plays a key role in defining policies and strategies for the two-wheeler sector.
and strategies for the two-wheel sector at European level. During the session, the importance of active participation by Portuguese companies in the working groups was stressed, in order to ensure that their needs and contributions are taken into account in the European Union’s decision-making process.
The second part of the event was dedicated to presenting BIKINNOV’s capabilities, positioning it as a center of reference in technical and technological support for the two-wheel sector. During a guided tour, the
participants had the opportunity to see the new equipment in operation and the capabilities already installed. These advanced resources put BIKINNOV at the forefront of research and development,
reinforcing its ability to support companies at all stages of the product development cycle, from concept to design.
This meeting symbolizes the commitment to promoting innovation and competitiveness in the two-wheel sector, contributing to a more sustainable future.
This meeting is part of the Interface Mission – Core Funding for Technology and Innovation Centers, of the Recovery and Resilience Program (PRR), financed by the NextGenerationEU European Funds.
For more information visit: https://recuperarportugal.gov.pt