Bike Finish Line Closing Session

On June 29th, BIKiNNOV – Bike Value Innovation Center – Association took part in the Closing Session of the Bike UP Project, known as the “Bike Finish Line”, promoted by ABIMOTA, where it announced the reasons for setting up the Technology and Innovation Center and its areas of activity.
The Portuguese two-wheeler and soft mobility sector is committed to migrating from a mainly OEM sector to ODM. An example of this is the creation of BIKiNNOV, a Technology and Innovation Center whose purpose is to provide technical and technological support to companies in the two-wheel sector, promoting the use of technology and innovation as tools for improving business competitiveness, increasing added value and qualifying the offer, particularly for small and medium-sized companies. It is dedicated to the production, dissemination and transmission of business-oriented knowledge and value creation.
Compete is a project that promotes economic development through the protection of industrial property rights, gearing its actions towards the needs of the market, seeking to fill existing gaps and contributing to the response to societal challenges in areas such as digitization, the circular economy, climate change and soft mobility.
The session was attended by project participants, entities hosting the actions, entrepreneurs and the president of Compete, Nuno Mangas.
This event, funded by Compete, under the Portugal 2020 Program and the European Social Fund, is a space for disseminating the results of the Bike UP project, transmitting its main outputs and, at the same time, fostering conditions that generate synergies and collective added value.
Bike Up is an entrepreneurship promotion project aimed at strengthening qualified and creative entrepreneurship in the bicycle sector. It aims to provide a response to societal challenges through innovative ideas and companies that strengthen competitiveness, digital transformation, sustainable mobility and adjustment to market demands.
The Bike Finish Line was a time for sharing experiences and reflection among participants, companies, start-ups and entrepreneurs. It also featured a demonstration and presentation area for companies and projects in the bicycle and soft mobility sector.