Launch of the Survey on Future Smart Cities: Mapping Innovation and Sustainable Mobility in Portuguese Municipalities

BIKiNNOV – Bike Value Innovation Center Association, a reference center in technology and innovation for the two-wheel sector, has launched a survey entitled “Future Smart Cities: Mapping Innovation and Sustainable Mobility in Municipalities”, as part of a study funded by the NextGeneration EU Recovery and Resilience Program, from the Interface Mission – Core Funding for Technology and Innovation Centers.
This research project focuses on smart city trends in an international context, with a detailed look at Portuguese municipalities and their strategies for smart mobility and bicycle use. The survey, which is nominal per municipality, seeks to capture information on the challenges, progress and needs in terms of digital transformation, sustainability and active mobility.
The participation of Portuguese municipalities is crucial to the success of this project, and the consultation phase will run until June 17, 2024.
The BIKiNNOV – Bike Value Innovation Center Association is an Innovation Technology Center dedicated to innovation in the two-wheel sector, be it materials, processes or products, to support the industry and the evolution and adaptation of cities towards more sustainable and intelligent mobility models, within the scope of its strategic axis, people and territories.